Infrared Inspection

An infrared inspection is a high-tech service that lets us examine a home or commercial building for a variety of problems, including some electrical hazards, draft points or missing insulation, plumbing leaks, sewer leaks and even roof leaks. Infrared technology lets us see in heat instead of color. Being able to see in infrared shows surfaces that are hotter or cooler than the surrounding area. Combine that with our building knowledge this is a very powerful inspection tool.

Beyond the Standard Visual Inspection

Using infrared technology, we can penetrate sheetrock, plaster, wood, drywall and even roofing, to see temperatures in parts of the home that are otherwise totally inaccessible. This lets building owners and buyers feel more secure in the structure. Traditional inspectors are only able to certify areas to which they have access, and also that are visible to the naked eye. This leaves a large portion of the building infrastructure vulnerable to hidden leaks and energy loss.

However, using infrared technology, we can with pinpoint accuracy identify areas of a home or commercial building that are suffering HVAC losses. In addition, once the required repairs are made, infrared technology lets us verify that the heating or cooling losses have stopped. With energy costs skyrocketing, this one benefit can pay for the cost of the inspection all by itself.

Discover Structural & Environmental Problems

Moreover, in addition to identifying leaks and energy losses, infrared thermal imaging lets us quickly scan an entire building and discover potential problems of environmental integrity. This is useful when buying or selling a house, when finding leaks, or to verify the successful implementation of repairs.

For example, we point infrared cameras at flat roof systems and generate thermal images of possible water damage to your building's roof. The thermal signatures of moisture patterns are extremely visible via infrared imaging, and this makes detection a snap.

Used for either predictive or preventative maintenance, infrared thermal imaging is an entirely ground breaking technique that helps homeowners feel secure that their home is not being threatened by overheated electrical circuits, or moisture and energy leaks.

Order an Infrared Inspection Today

We are a state-wide inspection company with an expertise in thermal imaging. Our inspection report will give you all the information we collect, and will pinpoint any problem areas so that you can take quick and accurate action to have them fixed. That way, you can be absolutely certain that the people under your care are both comfortable and safe.

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